We are already halfway through January--a month of beginnings, goals, and resolutions. I, along with most people, made a list of goals for myself this year. However, according to Forbes, only about 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Despite this, they still advise people to make New Year’s Resolutions, as it helps individuals optimistically head into a new season having reevaluated specific areas of their life that need improvement.

My dad preached a message last week, and said something that really stuck with me. He said, “We can have sight for many good things, but need vision for eternal things.” This made me wonder, how many of my goals are good? I would say all of them are in some way shape or form inherently good. In fact, I feel like my goals for the “new year, new me” are great! But then I had to ask myself if any of my goals are eternal. Are they centered around things of the “now,” or are they geared toward the future? My goals are great, but did I make any additional ones, that benefit not only me but others? Ones that help me walk out my calling in the Lord? As a mere human, I can see and do good things. But with the Holy Spirit, I can partner with the Lord, aligning myself with His ultimate vision and plan.
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
-Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT)
Many of us have heard the verse in Matthew, where it talks about storing our treasures, or values, in heaven, rather than on earth where they are transient and temporary. Here, Jesus talks about the attitude of our hearts, and how our desires reflect what we truly love and care for. Afterwards, in Matthew 6:22, it reads, “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body, when your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.” What we let into our minds and hearts effect our whole lives--good or bad. I am reminded of King Solomon, in 1 Kings. King Solomon was known for his wisdom, and one who loved God. We read of how he did many good things, blessing and honoring the name of the Lord. He was a blessed man, with many achievements and many riches. Yet we later read how these things were what ultimately turned King Solomon’s heart from the Lord. What am I fixing my eyes on? Am I focusing solely on the pleasures of this world, or even inherently good things? Or am I prioritizing things that are honoring and pleasing to the Lord?
“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body, when your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.”
-Matthew 6:22
The Lord hears and knows the desires of our hearts. It is our responsibility, though, to trust Him and His timing. In Genesis 16, we read about Sarai (later called Sarah). She was married to Abraham, and was barren. One of the desires of her heart was to be able to have children. However, when it did not happen according to her timing, Sarai decided to take control of the situation. She gave her maid servant to Abraham so that they might have children through her. However, once Hagar the maid servant conceived and gave birth to a son, the Bible says that Sarai "despised [Hagar]...and dealt harshly with her" (Genesis 16:4-6). What Sarai failed to see was the bigger picture. What she did not know was how God would later make a covenant with Abraham. The Lord would promise that the couple would be parents of not only a son, but of many nations. Their lineage would extend so far, that eventually Jesus would be a descendant of their blood. We must learn to fix our eyes on Jesus in the midst of our situations and disappointment.
When we reevaluate our goals, it is important to pray about them. We need to remember to ask God what his plans are for us not only in this new year and season, but in every season! We have the amazing opportunity to open our eyes and look at the bigger picture, while walking in step with Him along the way.
God is faithful and just. He loves us and wants the best for us, even when we cannot see it. His vision for everlasting life is greater than what we see and experience in the present.
Happy New Year!
