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3 Things to Look for in Faith-Based Podcasts


These days, I find myself overwhelmed with things that take up time, like school and my job. I think that in the midst of our busy schedules, however, we need to continue to find time with the Lord. This can look different for everyone! Some days I sit down with a friend for a Bible study, while other days I sing and pray in the car. There is no right way to spend time with Jesus, just as long as we continue to pursue Him!

I have recently become a huge fan of listening to sermons and faith-based podcasts on my phone. I used to always get ready and do my makeup in the morning to music—in fact, I still do sometimes. However, I always find it so fulfilling to switch out some of my music for podcasts! Who doesn’t love getting in some extra encouragement?

Here are three things keep in mind when picking out podcasts or sermons to listen to throughout the week!


1. What is an area in life that I struggle in?

Nobody is perfect; everyone has struggles and questions about life. I love looking for podcasts with specific topics that I think might help guide me in the right direction on how to approach situations or better decipher the Bible. While I certainly believe that we should consult with and talk to the Lord first in all things, I also think that He has placed individuals of wise counsel in our lives for us to lean on. With this in mind, though, we must be learn to discern what teachings are true, right, and of God.

2. Am I listening to someone who is telling me what I want, or what I need?

These days, our society as a whole has come to suppress the truth, rather than cling to what is good and right. The idea of “my truth,” a statement which has become the foundation for many individuals’ moral compasses, is in fact an oxymoron. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, “truth” is defined as “the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality.” Truth is consistent and unchanging. Placing the word “my” in front of the word “truth” insinuates that I (we as humans) dictate what is true. If humans are unique and different, then this would mean that “our truths” are also at variance with one another (…aka not consistent).

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things.” 
-Philippians 4:8

When my dad was in college, he lived in Spain and was involved in missions there. It was here, with his peers, that he learned a song, based on Philippians 4:8. Once, when I was younger, my dad sang it to me and my brothers. For some reason, I never forgot that little song. I actually often get it stuck in my head and hum it to myself.

Here, Paul in the Bible is urging followers of Christ to ponder, meditate, and reflect on the attributes listed. "Such things" includes what we choose to listen to and watch, which will consequently translate into our thoughts, words, and actions. If I only listen to or watch things that satisfy my earthly desires, my spiritual growth will be stunted. To put it into simple and blunt terms: drinking soda only makes a person more thirsty—one might want soda but need water. We need truth. What is masked as truth might, in fact, be false. Keep this in mind when choosing what faith-based podcasts to listen to.

3. Who else might benefit from this podcast?

When you find a funny meme or video on social media, what might you find yourself doing? Many people would repost, retweet, or share it with others. But what if it was an encouraging, post, video, or even a sermon? Something I have found so fulfilling is sending and being sent podcast suggestions between some of my close friends! It is so fun to hear what kinds of words are being spoken over your friends’ lives, and to glean information and wisdom from those same podcasts. I tend to view sermon suggestions the same way I view song suggestions: they can reflect different seasons of life and what is on one’s heart!


James 4:8 says that if you “draw near to God, He will draw near to you.”

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In order to stay close to Him, we must continue to dwell on whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, and whatever is lovely. I pray that you would live life based on His truth, rather than your own “truth!”


Some of my favorite speakers and podcasts:

-"WOAH That’s Good," by Sadie Robertson
	Apple Podcasts
	Spotify Podcasts 

-Pastor Robert Morris at Gateway Church
 	Apple Podcasts (Audio & Video):
 	Apple Podcasts Audio 
	Apple Podcasts Video 
	Spotify Podcasts 

-Pastor Chris Hodges at Church of the Highlands
 	Apple Podcasts Audio 
 	Apple Podcasts Video
	Spotify Podcasts 

-"Rouxminate On That," by Pastor Annette Roux (My aunt in Atlanta just launched this podcast!)
 	Apple Podcasts 
 	Spotify Podcasts 

-Pastor Michael Todd at Transformation Church
  	Apple Podcasts 
 	Spotify Podcasts 


© 2021 by Mikayla Roux.

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